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The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) from the online teaching and learning perspective
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The organisations representing quality assurance agencies as part of TeSLA project consortium have conducted an analysis of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) from the online teaching and learning perspective.

The ESG are the basis for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). They have been adopted by the Ministers responsible for higher education and they thus provide a solid basis for national approaches to quality assurance.

The ESG set the framework in for the quality assurance in higher education on three levels: (I) standards and guidelines for the internal quality assurance of higher education institutions, (II) standards and guidelines for external quality assurance carried out by quality assurance agencies, as well as (III) standards and guidelines for the work of quality assurance agencies.

The ESG apply to all higher education offered in the EHEA regardless of the mode of study or place of delivery. Thus, they are also applicable to all higher education including transnational and cross-border provision as well as any form of e-learning.

Moreover, with the considerable progress that has been made in quality assurance as well as in other Bologna action lines such as qualification frameworks, recognition and the promotion of the use of learning outcomes and different forms of education provision gaining ground, such as e-learning, the ESG have been revised in 2015 having now more focus on student-centered learning and learning outcomes.

When considering the applicability of the ESG in the quality assurance of e-learning, part one of the ESG “Standards and guidelines for internal quality assurance” is in focus, as it gives the overall picture concerning different elements of education in institution regardless the type of provision.

While each of the standards are all applicable to e-learning, the analysis of the ESG from the online teaching and learning perspective has been conducted to provide helpful suggestions in better understanding the assessment of e-learning and to underline specific hints for quality assurance of this type of education provision.

The document presents also complementary good practices in enhancing and recognising quality in e-learning as ECBCheck Certification and UNIQUe.

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25 de April de 2016 in General Tags:
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