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Presenting TeSLA at DPM/ESORICS 2017
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On September 15th, the TeSLA project was presented at DPM 2017, the 12th International
workshop on Data Privacy Management.

DPM (http://deic.uab.cat/conferences/dpm/) is a satellite event of ESORICS
(http://homepages.laas.fr/esorics/), the European Symposium on Research in Computer
Security. ESORICS and DPM are top-tier scientific events that bring together experts in
information security and privacy technologies. The goal is to provide a forum for the
discussion and exchange of novel ideas and innovative solutions to international researchers.

More than 300 practitioners from academia, government, and industry participated during
five days on peer-to-peer sessions, keynotes, debates and hands-on workshops around topics
such as Internet and Web security, data encryption, authentication and authorship, social
networks, trust management, blockchain technologies, and privacy requirements engineering.

Representatives from IMT conducted a technical presentation about TeSLA, including
details about its architecture and specifications, in order to assure the security and privacy of
learners. The presentation included discussions about the steps conducted in TeSLA towards
securing the whole architecture (discussions summarized at http://tesla-project.eu/securingtesla-architecture/) and the possibility of including innovative solutions to include the use of
anonymous certification in TeSLA (see http://tesla-project.eu/anonymous-certification-tesla/
for further details). In addition, flyers and other dissemination material about TeSLA were
distributed to the participants of the event.

IMT Team, September 2017.

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5 de October de 2017 in General Tags:
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