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Midterm Review at Luxemburg
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Midterm Review at Luxemburg
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First week of September took place at Luxembourg the TeSLA midterm review at the EC headquarters.  Part of the TeSLA consortium was there is order to present the mail goals, the milestones achieved till M18 as well as the main results at WP but also project level. 66 deliverables were submitted by this time.


One member per institution that conforms TeSLA consortium was there in order to present the work performed as well the main results of pilots, the evaluation process carried out, the arquitecture and integration of TeSLA system as well the legal, ethical and quality aspects of the project.


Although we still have around 15 months to work on TeSLA project, here there are some of the goals achieved:


  • Pilot 1, the first successful pilot from which we learnt several lessons for future pilots. 637 students took part.
  • Pilot 2, although was expected 3.500 students, we as a consortium achieved 4.931 students.
  • First Alpha version and a Beta version were launched. Ready for moodle and Blackboard VLEs.
  • Students, teachers, technical staff of institutions and quality members answered questionnaires and were interviewed by TeSLA members for obtaining the evaluation reports.
  • Legal and Ethical aspects were analysed and implemented (DPA, consent forms, etc).
  • A quality metaevaluation was carried out to meet ESG recommendations after each pilot by creating a Head panel of quality experts as well as regular panels.
  • Educational aspects like designing learning activities, applying e-assessment models, a teacher training actions and the educational framework was worked but still under construction.
  • Special educational needs, accessibility and usability aspects were also considered.
  • Dissemination and communication actions were performed. You can find in our web the events and citations about TeSLA. You can also follow us on social networks.


TeSLA is an innovation action project which is still under development. So pilot 3-1st stage is now starting and pilot 3-2nd stage will start on February 2018, so new enhancements and developments will be done according EC recommendations as well as the scheduled tasks.  Guidelines for teachers and new institutions will be defined. The release candidate version of TeSLA system will be launched and the exploitation agreement and Data Management plan will be finished.  Just for ending this post, here we are during the previous day at the EC.

UOC Team

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26 de September de 2017 in General Tags:
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TeSLA is coordinated by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 ICT Programme. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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